Wednesday 19 August 2015

[Media Preview] PARIS HOLIDAY (巴黎假期)

PARIS HOLIDAY (巴黎假期) is now showing in cinemas!

Kit (Louis Koo) leaves Hong Kong for Paris with a broken heart, to start a new page of life and venturing into the wine business. Through real estate agent, Lau Chung (Alex Fong), he finds a shared apartment with a weird tenant, Man (Kuo Tsai-Chieh), a desperate artist going through a bad breakup.

Man hates men after a devastating breakup, in order to get along with Man under the same roof, Kit pretends to be gay. At the beginning, Man’s eccentric and insane behavior gets onto Kit’s nerve, but after knowing Man’s heartbreaking past by chance, Kit decides to stay and teaches Man how to get over a failed relationship, as this is exactly what he has encountered in the past. Kit also helps Man ignites her passion for drawing, which allows Man to regain her confidence and balance in life. Soon, the two get closer and falls for each other.

One day, Man bumps into her ex-fiancé Fai (Jeremy Jones Tsui), she is shocked but surprised that she no longer felt any pain - she has really overcome the past relationship with the help and support of Kit. Meanwhile, when Kit and Man are going to move a step forward, Kit’s ex-girlfriend (Candy Liu) comes to Paris causing misunderstandings which takes a toll on the relationship.

Directed by : James Yuen
Starring : Louis Koo, Kuo Tsai-Chieh, Alex Fong, Janice Man, Jeremy Jones Tsui, Hu Jing, Candy Liu
Language : In Chinese with English Subtitles
Run Time : 114 mins


懷抱著破碎的心和不堪回首的過去,林俊傑(古天樂 飾)毅然離開香港前往法國巴黎開展新生活,並推銷紅酒生意。透過房屋仲介劉聰 (方中信飾),俊傑找到了理想的公寓,然而這公寓卻附帶了一位奇怪的分租戶-失戀藝術家丁曉敏(郭采潔 飾)。一段微妙的「同居」生活,就這樣在浪漫之都展開。

房東告知俊傑,曉敏因失戀而變得一厥不振,並極度厭惡男性,為了與曉敏在同一屋簷下可以和平共處,俊傑只好裝作同性戀者,以消除曉敏的戒心。豈料,曉敏行為怪異,俊傑忍無可忍,堅決擺脫曉敏,此時,卻在一次偶然的機會,俊傑窺探了曉敏內心的一隅。原來,曉敏於婚前被自己認定是靈魂伴侶的徐暉 (徐正曦飾)拋棄,過去為徐暉幾乎犧牲一切的曉敏,甚至放棄了成為畫家的理想。在愛情和事業皆失意下,對生活失去了動力,對愛情失去了希望。俊傑在曉敏身上看到自己的影子,決定留下來扶持這位情路上的同路人。



此時,俊傑的前女友趙雨晴(劉梓妍 飾)竟來到巴黎,希望俊傑跟她回香港再續前緣 一個又一個無從解釋的誤會,把二人愈拉愈遠…



主演 :古天樂、郭採潔、方中信、徐正曦、文詠珊、胡靜、劉梓妍
導演 :阮世生




"有缘无份,何必勉强, 曾经拥抱,不枉此爱。"








It may seems like a typical Mandarin Romance Film, but this movie is so good it got me tearing up from the middle till the end! Picking Paris is probably the most suitable place to be for it is the city of love! Apart from featuring many beautiful attractions in Paris (such as Arc de Triomphe, Eiffel Tower, Ile de la Cite, and many others..), there are also some french culture being displayed in the movie. Expect the actors and actresses to speak in french and watch them interact with the locals! A movie ticket that brings you tour around Paris, Why not?!

We all know TIME is the greatest gift given. Having gone through painful break-ups in the past... I can totally relate my emotions with Xiao Man (Kuo Tsai-Chieh) but i believe even those fortunate ones can easily be moved by the story in this movie! It feels like everything becomes colourless and meaningless when love is gone and heart broken.. Everyday after feels exactly like a living dead.. Luckily, sadness and sorrow don't last and time heals! The appearance of Kit (Louis Koo) has then greatly help regained her soul back, helping her also helped himself in return! #soulmate? Maybe!

Plus point: Louis Koo played such a nice, good-looking, gentleman in the movie! =') And his motivational quotes are really pleasing and meaningful!!

#巴黎假期 #parisholiday

A romantic film worth-watching! My friends and i enjoyed it a lot! =)

Thank you Clover Films for the preview ticket!

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